2 September 2021

Post cruise reception

Part of the ROCS cruise participants with our host, the Danish Ambassador , Former President Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, and the Icelandic members of the ROCS steering committee. Photo: Hjalte Drejer Jørgensen and Jakob Fritzbøger

Former president of Iceland guest of honour in post-cruise reception hosted by the Danish embassy.

Former president of Iceland, Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, honoured ROCS cruise participants with her presence at a reception at the Danish Embassy in Reykjavík shortly after they disembarked their research cruise to the Irminger Sea, Denmark Strait, and the Icelandic Basin in the North Atlantic Ocean. The reception was graciously hosted by the Danish ambassador in Iceland, Eva Egesborg Hansen, and included guests from Rannís, Hafró and ROCS’ steering committee. It was the perfect ending of a successful expedition.

Former President Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, Madam Ambassador Eva Egesborg Hansen, and Professor Katherine Richardson, head of ROCS and cruise leader, at the Danish embassy in Reykjavík. Behind them is an enlarged photograph of Alexandrine, Queen of Denmark (and Iceland from 1918-1944) in an Icelandic national dress made and gifted to her by Icelandic women.
Former President Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, Madam Ambassador Eva Egesborg Hansen, and Professor Katherine Richardson, head of ROCS and cruise leader, at the Danish embassy in Reykjavík. Behind them is an enlarged photograph of Alexandrine, Queen of Denmark (and Iceland from 1918-1944) in an Icelandic national dress made and gifted to her by Icelandic women.
Former President Vigdís Finnbogadóttir and Professor Katherine Richardson.

Former President Vigdís Finnbogadóttir and Professor Katherine Richardson.

You can learn more about ROCS’s activities and research by following the Centre on Instagram and X.
